Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

East Java 

East java is a province of indonesia is locatedon the eastern part ohe island of java and include's the neighbor islands of madura,and and kangean,sapudi,baesean,and masalembu .lying the eastern tip of  java island and is bordered by the is island of Bali.east java province geographically inthe world map is very strategic because it can be accessed directly from different countries or via the entry ports of jakarta or Denpasar ( Bali ).either by air or by sea , the cros – route position makes this province to grow in various sectors.has a land area of 48,000 sq.km and a 110,000 sq.km sea area , total population of East Java , according to 2009 data amountedto 37,291,400.The people consist of several etnhic groups, the largest group is the javanese ethnic,while other consit of the ethnics of madurese.and tenggerese who live araound mount Bromo and Osing Ethnic (Banyuwangi ).

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Heroes Monument and Moseum
The Moseum house collection includding a diaroma of the struggling heroes,historical items like historic struggling photographs ,weaponds ,a Radio and Bung Tomo's speech during the struggling year in 1945.
Heroes Monument is built in "overturn nail" form, seen have monumental philosophic value. This Heroes Monument have of 40,45 meters height or 45 yards, with diameter under 3,10 meters and diameter to 1,30 meters. At underside of the monument is decorated with ‘"Trisula" engraving pictorial, ‘"Cakra", ‘"Stamba" and ‘"Padma" as fire struggle symbol.

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Natural Attraction 

Pantai Ria Kenjaran , the location of the Beach used by is still in the above Mentioned amusement Park. Fasilitas avaible includes a korse racetrack , a motor racing circuit ,and wind surfing .
here a pagoda and a vihara (Monestery) with a big buddhist statue of four face were buit.this is the only place of worship  used by the three sect namely Buddha,thao and Khonghucu ,Skydome is a replica of the original in China .inside dome lies a statue of Dewi Kwan In.

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

The largest zoo and complete in Southeast Asia and divided to some places for birds, freshwater aquarium and brine, quarantine Toxidemi, night animal ( nocturama) and various mammals ( mammal). In Special place, there is also porpoise (pesut mahakam) and mermaid

Surabaya Zoo located in Setail Street 1 Surabaya (Wonokromo - beside Joyoboyo station area), KBS is big zoo and complete. It is in it are dwelt more than 351 composing different animal species more than 2806 animals. Include Indonesia rareness animal and also world consisted of Mammalian, Aves, Reptile, and Pisces.
KBS is part of education that is indirectly good for recognizing many kinds of animal so that planted early on feeling love to the nature and its contents. Besides, KBS (Shortly of Surabaya Zoo, commonly people called it as KBS) is animal garden with the meaning place with main function of conservation which is do some effort for treatment and breeding various animal types for the agenda of forming and develop new habitat as supporting facilities for protection and conservation of nature.

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013


One of the tourist attractions in Blitar municipality is the tomb of Soekarno, an Indonesian proclamation reader and the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. It is located at 60 Slamet Riyadi Street, Bendogerit village, Sunan wetan district, about 2 kilometers from Blitar city.
The architectural "Joglo" dominates the tomb. It is in East Javanese style and combined with Gateway of Bentar. Beside the main building formed cover grave house of âBung Karnoâ, this graveyard complx also completed with support building that is; Gapura Agung (The Great Gate), Mosque, and hall; which make the visitor feel comfortable to pilgrim in this location. There is also the complement building, consist of the grave manager house

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

This tourism object is located at Jatiarjo village Prigen distric. This natural preserve is the branch of Cisarua - Bogor natural preserve. As the natural wild life, preserve Taman Safari Indonesia collects various wild animals. This wildlife preserve is 295 hectares, the wild animal such as : lion tiger, wild buffalo, komodo, rhinaceros, bison that live in open area. Lies at the slope of Mt. Arjuno 800 – 1.500-meter sea level cover 340 ha and divided three zones. Wild life zone, place for visitor observing a natural wild life.

Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II with your family, friends or the other.

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

map of malang goferment

Malang is the second largest city inEast Java province, Indonesia. It has an ancient history dating back to the Mataram Kingdom. The city population at the 2010 Census was 820,243 (BPS, 2010).During the period of Dutch colonization, it was a popular destination for European residents. The city is famous for its cool air and the surrounding country regions of Tumpang, Batu, Singosari, and Turen. People in East Java sometimes call it "Paris of East Java." Malang was spared many of the effects of the Asian finacial cricis, and since that time it has been marked by steady economic and population growth.
  • Object tourism Of malang Regency
Balekambang Beach

Balekambang beach is one of tourism icons in Malang, because the beach has beautiful enchantment and looks like beach in Bali. Some people say that the view of Balekambang beach is similar with that of Tanah Lot Beach. At Balekambang Beach, there are 3 small islands which lie side by side. They are Ismoyo island, Anoman Island and Wisanggeni island.
Balekambang beach is located at Srigonco village, Bantur sub-district, Malang, East Java. It is located approximately 69 kilometers from the center of Malang city. It takes 2 hours to get to Balekambang Beach from Malang City.  Along the way to Belekambang beach, you will pass teak forests and sugar cane plantations, because there is also Sugar Factory. Even though you go to the beach, you have to go down and go up the road. No wonder, because Malang is a mountainous area.

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

map of probolinggo

Probolinggo is one part of the East Java Province which is located near to Mount Semeru, Mount Argopuro and Tengger mountain broadly about 1696,166 Square km, precisely at 1128 51' - 1138 30 ' East Longitude and 78 40' - 88 10 ' South Latitude, stay at height 0 - 2500 m dpl with average temperature 278 Celsius up to 308 Celsius, while its air of south part is having low temperature. Probolinggo regency has tropical climate and has two seasons that is dry season and the rains. Between the seasons, there is transition season with puff wind that boisterous enough and dry, it is known as "Angin Gending".

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Located Songa Rafting
Probolinggo has other special interest tour called as rafting arenas. Tourists can easily enjoy the rush of exciting venues Pekalen River with only a distance of 26 kilometers by car from Probolinggo, or during the 30 minutes towards the South.
Pekalen River is located in Angin-Angin sub-village, Ranu Gedang Village and ends at Gembleng sub-village, Pesawahan village or Condong village, Gending district. The journey to reach this river approximately 3 hours if we are come from Surabaya or Malang city.
Pekalen River which becomes the arena of this thrilling sport, located at 500 m above sea level. It has varies difficulty level from grade I to grade III plus as many as 30 rapids rafting. Rafting may only be followed aged 10-60 years visitors. As far as 9 kilometers distance rafting applied for 2.5 to 3 hours, including breaks in the middle of travel while enjoying the fruits of young coconut (degan).
Rafting Pekalen divided into three sections for rafting: top Pekalen, middle Pekalen and bottom Pekalen. The distance from the rafting trip is also different. Top Pekalen is 12 km trip, middle Pekalen is 7 km and bottom Pekalen is 10 km.
Beside enjoy the Rafting exclaimed, we can also see the cave with hundreds of bats occasional screech and flying around. The rancidity and the dropping of the bats are exquisite when passing there.
There are several rafting guide in Probolinggo which are ready to provide a variety of attractive packages with a variety of challenging rafting attraction. The rafting guides are Noars, Regulo and Songa Rafting. Those rafting guides have been fitted with safe rafting equipment. The visitors are guaranteed to feel satisfied and enjoy all facilities provided.